Publicité e.LCL Karim Benzema

Pour la première fois, un grand sportif, Karim Benzema, l’un des meilleurs footballeurs français, s’inscrit dans la saga publicitaire de LCL, conçue par l’agence Aubert Storch Associés Partenaires (ASAP) et réalisée par Jean-Michel Ribes.


  1. @KiraVicious there is a huge difference betwenn muslims and non muslims concerning their origins , muslims always follow their parents origins , i guess you wouldn’t believe unless you hear him say am algerian
    so i will send you a video where he says algeria is my heart and my country i play for france just for my football career 😀
    search on youtube this video , its his interview on a french radio ( karim benzema déteste la france )

  2. @kenzadz so what? he was born in france so that made him french

    my ascendants are spanish but i was born in venezuela, part of them are from barcelona…so that makes me spanish? no.

    no hard feelings 😉

  3. @KiraVicious he’s half french half algerian and he is more algerian than french , he’s a muslim , named as an algerian and of algerian origins
    .beside alot of algerians are born in france and live there because of historical affects but this doesnt make them french ,most of the french immigrants are of algerian origins about 15 million

  4. @KiraVicious nooooo thats not my point , you said all french act arogants , and he’s not so why should he act like that

  5. @kenzadz He’s algerian descent but was born in France …Your response was too ridiculous, how french should be called?

  6. @KiraVicious the problem is that he’s not french !! have you ever hear about a french dude named karim !!!!

  7. @Juju6525 plus fort pas forcément, et plus respectueux…si le mec on lui dit tu fais du football il va pas aimer je pense.

  8. J’aime pas trop…Style le mac il dit j’adore le rugby Benzema qui ce lève c’est nul car les joueurs de rugby son plus fort plus RESPECTUEUX il faut le souligne sa….

  9. ah monsieur benzema j ai une prostituer de 18ans pour vous ah non ok faut pas vous enerver j en est une de 16 ans,alors qu est ce que vous en penser?la tu vien de marquer un but aahahahahahh

  10. Vive Benzema! Par contre je prefere la version de Yann Barthes apres le deuxieme match des Bleus contre l”Irlande:
    “La, tu viens d’marquer un but!”
    “Avec la main”

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